Let Me Know--Please

If you decide to check out a
charity, benefit, fundraiser
or help one of the charities, fundraisers, or benefits
I blog about would you please let me know.

Thank You!!!

Also, I am serious
if you have a charity or charitable event
(or know of one) coming up let me know.
That way I can at least add a
link, description or something.

Just make sure it is a legitimate one please.
Custom Search

Friday, November 21, 2008

BZZ Agent and the USO

I am an agent for
BZZ Agent/Frogpond
and one of their partners is the
(United Services Organizations).
I think most people remember the legendary
Bob Hope
and his tours and television specials for the USO.
Wayne Newton
is currently the entertainer
that has given much of his time
and taken over where
Bob Hope
has left off.
Kid Rock
has also done many shows overseas
along with a very long list of other celebrities.
has been around for over 70 years
and has does so much more
than put on shows
for our troops stationed around the world.
They hand out prepaid phone cards,
send care packages,
help the families of the troops,
help the troops themselves
when they go off somewhere
and basically whenever
the troops need help and more.
is NOT
a government agency
even though many
(myself included)
thought it was.
They rely strictly on
More than
89 cents
out of every
goes directly
to helping a soldier.
There are not many
that can boast that!!!
If you have the financial means to contribute please do.
If you are able to volunteer please do.
If you can not do either one of those
for whatever reason
please spread the word.
If you are a
you can post the
USO link
and other places
and there is a
URL link
that will be special for you
for you to add to
blogs and your other sites.
If you are not a
you can always sign up to become one.
You do
post opinions,
sometimes receive free items to test
and spread the word about,
and occasionally with
more expensive newer items
you will be offered a
big discount off the retail price.
There are many options with
If you are interested in learning more about the
BZZ Agent/Frogpond
click on the links below.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The PEACE Fund **Protect Educate Aid Children Everywhere** 5th Auction link included

The PEACE Fund
(Protect Educate Aid Children Everywhere)
The charity started
by actor
Adrian Paul
He is mostly known for
"Highlander: The Series".
Check out
"The Lost Colony"
starring Adrian.
It is quite good.
5th Annual Auction
is going on
10 November 2008
18 November 2008.
There are guidelines
you do have to
register to bid
The PEACE Fund home link.
To learn more about how to register
and bid on items click on this link.
This link is from the Sci Fi website.
There is some additional information that fans have posted.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Charity Guide for Wisconsin---link included

I have to say I sometimes just type in a word or a group of words just to see what comes up.
This time I typed in Wisconsin charity just to see what would come up.
This was near the top of the list.
Basically you click on your city
and it brings up charities in your area.
What I really like is that it has links for the United States too.
So, if you have family or friends living in any other city
you can share ideas and events with those people.
It also has tabs for donation guide, to list a charity, etc.
I seem to be collecting on-line friends from all over the world
and have been getting more interested in causes, diseases, conditions
that honestly I probably would not have in the past
or have forgotten that people I know have a particular disease or condition.
It is nice to be reminded gently once in a while of what other people have been going through.
I have done blogs lately on
Multiple Sclerosis and Melanoma
because currently those are the two conditions/diseases that seem to be affecting me personally
(by worrying about them...they are really nice and wonderful people
and knowing there really is not one thing I can do to make their lives easier)
because one is a friend with a daughter with MS
and a colleague's husband's Melanoma came back.
I do not have money to really help; so, I try to spread the word.
Thanks for reading my babble if you made it this far.
This is the link that will take you to the Wisconsin charity guide.
This is the main/home link.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Melanoma is the fastest growing cancer in the United States

I know this is breast cancer awareness month,
is actually the
fastest growing cancer
in the
United States of America.
It is the leading cause of death
in women 20 - 25
the second leading cause of death
in women ages 30 - 35.
One person dies every hour from melanoma.
In the year 2000
1 in 74
got melanoma cancer
estimates are that
by the year 2010
1 in 50
will get melanoma.
Folks that is less than 2 years away
and a 3% rise in cases.
That is considered an epidemic.
The Wisconsin Professional Photographers Association
has taken up this cause
and to find out why
(it is for a personal reason for the president of the association)
click on the link below.
How to detect melanoma (link from the WPPA website).
Safety measures (link from the WPPA website).
Facts on melanoma (link from the WPPA website).
This link gives names, address, etc., to photography studios that donate a portion of their fees to help the melanoma cause.
National Cancer Institute---Melanoma Home Page link.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Adrian Paul Newswire Blog---link included

This blog is sooo much better than mine at putting up information.....
this blog has a
slide show and pictures
and is mostly dedicated to the PEACE fund.
Mine is for all types of charities, fundraisers, etc.
For people in New Jersey
there is a
bake sale
23 August 2008
Columbus Farmer's Market.
To learn more click on the link below.
I wish I was there to attend.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Multiple Sclerosis Fundraising Events in Wisconsin---links included

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Challenge Walk
Door County, Wisconsin
October 17-19, 2008
The link to register for the Challenge Walk in Door County, Wisconsin
MS Snowmobile Tour
January 29 - February 1, 2009
The link to register for the Snowmobile Tour
To learn more about multiple sclerosis (ms) click on the link below.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Women for Women--Helping Women Who Have Survived War

I think some that have read any of my blogs have figured out that I have a
MySpace and Facebook page.
I get little feedback from MySpace when I ask for help or information
but I always get feedback from someone on Facebook.
I asked if anyone had a charity, fundraiser, etc. t
hat they were interested in and I got a response quickly.
Thank you for that.
I am starting to collect quite a few online friends
who all have different interests
and have been through different situations partly because of the part of the world they live in.
One of my Facebook friends
(I do not know if my friend would like to be named so I will not name my friend)
sent me some information and the link for this organization.
This organization helps through
donations, sponsorships, volunteers, and much more
women who have survived wars around the globe.
I was surprised that I had not heard of this organization
considering it has been featured on the United States television program 60 Minutes
and that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have both donated to this organization.
Yep I actually wrote about something to put Ms. Jolie and Mr. Pitt's names in one of my blogs.
If it catches someone's eye to check it out I am all for a shameless plug.
So to learn more check out the website.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Canine Companions For Independence

If you ever wanted to know more about raising dogs to be service dogs, wanted to donate, wanted to advertise with or for, programs, in need of a service dog, and just about anything else having to do with service dogs just click on the link below.
Canine Companions For Independence
I would like to thank the Dean Koontz website for writing about this organization and being involved with it. Hopefully I will never need to use a service dog, but it is comforting to know there are people out there with the expertise and patience raising these wonderful dogs.
In case you did not know
best selling author
Dean Koontz
had a dog named Trixie
and is very involved in dogs in general.
To learn more about
Dean Koontz
and his books and contests click on the link below.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Nationwide August Book Drive 2008 at Borders and Waldenbooks Bookstores

This is the second year that
Borders and Waldenbooks
will be doing a nationwide book drive.
All books collected go to a local communities:
like schools or other literacy programs.
Last year
over 700
Borders and Waldenbooks bookstores
and over 80 nonprofit groups participated.
Last year
363,878 books
were donated.
If you would like to donate a book or two or three...
please stop in any Borders or Waldenbooks store
to purchase a new book(s).
There are many books in different price ranges to choose from.
There are the regular new full priced books
(unless there is a sale)
to some great books in the bargain area.
1 AUGUST 2008 --- 1 SEPTEMBER 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Second Harvest....Food For People Who Need It

With these hard times more and more people are turning to others to help feed their families and themselves. If you are able to donate please do. If you are able to volunteer they have a link for that too. If you need to find a pantry to either donate or because you need help there is a link for that also. If you are a corporation they have a link to help you come up with fundraising ideas.

September 2008 is declared Hunger Action Month.


Of course Second Harvest is not the only organization that collects food and money to help feed people who desperately need it. There are many many places from schools, churches, stores, and countless national and world organizations out there to help people and who need your help.

So please please whether you need help (and many people will at some point in their lives) or are able to help do not feel embarrassed either way. Jobs are lost, people get sick, divorces happpen as do natural disasters and just plain life. Anyone and everyone will need help in some way or form at some point in their life.

If you are the type of person who has always been willing to give even if it is only a small amount and suddenly you need help just remember the person you did help might actually be the one able to help now.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Looking For Charities In Wisconsin or Your State or City?? ----link included

If you are looking for a charity in the state of Wisconsin click on the link below.
There are many
states and cities
listed on
but I am unsure of exactly how many.
uscity.net home page link.
If you live in a different state
and want to help where you live
try typing in the name of your state and the word charity.
Wisconsin charity
which is what I typed in.
I do not know if all states have something like this,
but it is worth a try.

Charity Job Listings on Myspace---link included

I came across this today and thought I would share it.
I typed in charity in Google just to see what would come up....
because it does vary from time to time....
and I saw a link to charity jobs on MySpace.
I forget sometimes that you can do job searches on MySpace.
If you are looking to work for a
non-profit organization
or to volunteer for one
why not check the site out?
It is just one of many out there
and it might give you some ideas
of exactly what is available
or the type of help you may be able to give.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Please Help Comfy Cozy in Pre-K through DonorsChoose.org link included

I received this e-mail from a friend and wanted to pass it along.
I was going to rewrite
but I could not possibly do it justice;
so, this is exactly how I received it.
Please if you can donate please do so
if you are unable to donate
please send this link to everyone you know.
Maybe somebody else will be able to help.
Dear friends,
I want my students to have as many great learning opportunities as possible, but
sometimes I just can't get the funding I need.
To address this issue, I turned
Here's the scoop.
At this nonprofit website,
public school teachers (like me!)
submit proposals for materials or experiences their students need to learn.
These ideas become a reality when concerned individuals (like you!)
choose projects to fund.
Donors who complete project funding
or give more than $100
receive photos and personal thank-you notes
from the kids they helped.
It's easy - and very rewarding.
The great news is that my project proposal,
Comfy Cozy in Pre-K,
is now posted
at DonorsChoose.org!
Also, please consider supporting my students
and me by forwarding
this message to others who may be interested in improving education.
As a reminder,
I am at a year round school
and have students now
who would love
to use this item!
Thanks for your help!

Best regards,

Cari Wilcox

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Benefit for BriAnna Flick 2 August 2008 Racine, Wisconsin

On Saturday, 2 August 2008
Ms. Nicole James
Ms. Heather Dumovich
will be throwing a benefit
BriAnna Flick
BriAnna was diagnosed with
Stage 4
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma
June 2008.
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma
is a childhood form of cancer.
It is a tumor
made up of
cancerous muscle cells
To learn more about
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma
click on this link below.
Ms. James and Ms. Dumovich
are requesting
any donations
for a raffle
they will be having to
offset the healthcare
of Ms. Flick
The benefit will be held on
Saturday, 2 August 2008
2 p.m. - 2:30 a.m.
Paradise West
on Highway 20/Washington Avenue
Racine, Wisconsin
There will be food, volleyball, entertainment, raffles, 50/50 raffle & DJ
There is a donation to be made
to go to the dinner
which will be 4-7 p.m.

The Den Again
6501 Washington Avenue
Racine, WI 53406
Phone: (262) 886 5151
to find out how to get a coupon/ticket for the dinner
for more information
Nicole James @ 262-989-4913
Heather Dumovich @ 262-939-5557

Monday, July 07, 2008

I usually blog on any of my blogs about events where I live or national events,
but I was searching for something new today and came across
This is an organization out of Southern California.
I was poking around their website
and from the looks of it they have done some amazing things.
This organization (per website) is all about Kids Helping Kids.
They recycle childrens' books to school libraries and other children's organization.
The complete history, how they work, to donate,
and so much more is on their website.
Their website is bright and cheery with fun looking tabs to click on.
They also have pictures of some the places that have received books from them.
If you happen to live in Southern California
and would like to help them
either by donating
or volunteering
click on the link below.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Women's Resource Center--P.O. Box, links, etc.

The Women's Resource Center
has been helping victims
of domestic violence
since 1977.
Here is a sober thought:
30 percent
of all female
homicide victims
were killed by
their husbands,
former husbands
or boyfriends.
This is just one fact....to know more visit their website.
To learn more about them
and what services they offer
please click on the link below.
If you are able to
volunteer your time
please call:

The Women's Resource Center
does provide
and clothing,
they have many other needs too.
If you would like to donate

please call
If you would like to make
a monetary donation
please send it
to this address:
Women's Resource Center
P.O. Box 1764
Racine, WI 53401
You may obtain
a wish list
by calling
e-mailing at

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hot Dog Fundraiser 27 June 2008

Hot Dog Fundraiser
Lakeside Curative Service, Inc.
2503 Lincolnwood Court
Racine, Wisconsin
27 June 2008
11:30 a.m - 3:00 p.m.
Cost is $5.00 -----$20.00 for 5 meals in advance
Call 1-262-598-0098 to find out more.
What will be there:
Oscar Meyer Weinermobile
live music provided by
Group Therapy
the African drummers Tvonmonte
All proceeds will benefit the Day Service Greenhouse program's Greenhouse Project
Lakeside Curative Services, Inc.
provides vocational rehabilitation services
opportunities to citizens with disabilities
I wanted to add more about the
Day Service Greenhouse
but alas I could not find a link to them.
If anybody reading this knows more about them
add a comment
or let me know.
This sounded like fun
and if you are interested
you can call the number above
or click on the link for
Lakeside Curative Services, Inc.
and use the contact us tab
at the top of their page.
There was no information about the benefit on their website.
I must say that even though this sounds like a fun day
neither organization
is doing a good job
getting the word out
about the benefit
or their organizations
and what they stand for.
mmmmm.......I wonder who is in charge of spreading the word????

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I know I have written about
"The Peace Fund"
(Protect Educate Aid Children Everywhere)
started by Adrian Paul
before, but they updated part of their site.
One way the organization raise funds is by holding online auctions.
If you have something unique, a "hot" item
(I.E. Something in high demand people not stolen....
do not even let your mind go there.),
or if you have
a news program, magazine, newspaper, blog, website,
et cetera you can help spread the word.
To find out more about the auction,
to help them out,
or to receive a press release please click on the link below.
You will also be able to learn how the organization started,
who is involved (loads of celebrities),
and other ways you can help.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Charities on My Space (links included)

Here is just a small sampling
of the non-profit organizations and charities listed on Myspace.
If you go to one of them
you can always check their friends
to see who else is on Myspace.
It is a good jumping point.
You can always try typing in a charitable organization
or some other organization
to see if they have a Myspace too.
All of these had a way to donate,
but some were better at
giving detail information about their organization.
They all had links to their website though
and that is where you
will probably get the most
and best information for any of the organizations.
Music For Relief
This is for the relief recovery in Burma/Myanmar
Nonprofit Organizations
Help Charity For Free

Monday, June 02, 2008

Donate % on E-Bay for The Peace Fund

You can now donate to "The Peace Fund" on E-Bay.
Actually you were able to starting sometime last year.
If you decide to sell something on E-Bay
you can donate anywhere
from 10% to 100% to your favorite charity.
It is nice to have the option of donating to charities,
especially not big charities like (The Red Cross)
that gets most of the media attention.
Of course they always need help too.
The big charities get so many requests for help
that they struggle sometimes too.
It is just that when the big charities need help
the big charities seem to get the media attention
from local and national broadcasts in major times of need.
Whereas, the smaller charities
do not seem to get the same media attention
and need the word of mouth help
that blogs
and celebrities
and the fans of celebrities
or television shows
and movies can give.
Together we all can make a difference.
Who knows someday it might be me or you who needs the help.
I am struggling to pay off bi
lls right now
and just do not have any disposable income, but maybe somebody reading this blog
or someone else's blog
does have the money to donate.
I hope so.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Play Golf for Charity am 620 WTMJ link included

I was trying to find something new that maybe everyone does not know about
(you know the big charities that are always in the news) and found this.
I do not play golf but there are many people who do.
I thought if you like to play golf and help out a charity at the same time
you might be interested in some of the golf/charity combinations
in the southeastern Wisconsin area.
The link below is for AM radio news station 620 WTMJ.
They have posted charity golf events on their website.
If you are interested click on the link to find out exact details.
I am also including links (off AM 620 WTMJ's website)
for the different golf charity events being held.
To play in the
Morgan Memorial Golf Outing benefiting MAKE-A-WISH
Monday, June 9, 2008
To play in the
The Vince Lombardi Golf Classic
Saturday, June 14, 2008
To play in the
The Greater Lombardo Open
Monday, July 14, 2008
To play in the
Bob Duckett Memorial Golf Outing
Monday, July 21, 2008
To play in the
Habitat For Humanity Golf Outing
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
To play in the
National Kidney Foundation Golf Classic
Monday, July 28, 2008
To play in
The DDO Benefit
Sunday, September 14, 2008
There are also some other golf charity events going on
in which there are no links,
but they do have telephone numbers for information.

Neighborhood House Open Golf Outing
Monday, June 16, 2008
For more info, call 414-933-616 (Neighborhood House)

Patrick Noonan for Providence Memorial Golf Outing
Friday, June 27, 2008
Call (262) 878-2713 for more information

Wisconsin Adopt A Golden Retriever Golf Outing
Saturday, July 12, 2008
For more information, call 262-255-0019

Ronald McDonald House Charity Golf Outing
Monday, July 28, 2008
For more info, call (414) 841-7753
If you are having a golf charity event you can let the radio station know through their website.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Look to the Stars--Link to finding what charities celebrities help included

Have you ever wondered what charities your favorite celebrity helps out?

I started to receive Google alerts on blogs recently and I received an update today.

One of the updates is is from Look to the Stars. It is a website that lets the public know what charities some celebrities help out. I do not think every celebrity is listed here, but there are from the looks of it at least a couple of hundred celebrities to browse through.

There are also a tabs for causes, news, partners, videos, interviews, and more.

This seems like an interesting site to find out where famous people put their time, money, and name to. So, if you are curious check them out.



Canine Companions for Independence

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