Let Me Know--Please

If you decide to check out a
charity, benefit, fundraiser
or help one of the charities, fundraisers, or benefits
I blog about would you please let me know.

Thank You!!!

Also, I am serious
if you have a charity or charitable event
(or know of one) coming up let me know.
That way I can at least add a
link, description or something.

Just make sure it is a legitimate one please.
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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Women's Resource Center--P.O. Box, links, etc.

The Women's Resource Center
has been helping victims
of domestic violence
since 1977.
Here is a sober thought:
30 percent
of all female
homicide victims
were killed by
their husbands,
former husbands
or boyfriends.
This is just one fact....to know more visit their website.
To learn more about them
and what services they offer
please click on the link below.
If you are able to
volunteer your time
please call:

The Women's Resource Center
does provide
and clothing,
they have many other needs too.
If you would like to donate

please call
If you would like to make
a monetary donation
please send it
to this address:
Women's Resource Center
P.O. Box 1764
Racine, WI 53401
You may obtain
a wish list
by calling
e-mailing at

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hot Dog Fundraiser 27 June 2008

Hot Dog Fundraiser
Lakeside Curative Service, Inc.
2503 Lincolnwood Court
Racine, Wisconsin
27 June 2008
11:30 a.m - 3:00 p.m.
Cost is $5.00 -----$20.00 for 5 meals in advance
Call 1-262-598-0098 to find out more.
What will be there:
Oscar Meyer Weinermobile
live music provided by
Group Therapy
the African drummers Tvonmonte
All proceeds will benefit the Day Service Greenhouse program's Greenhouse Project
Lakeside Curative Services, Inc.
provides vocational rehabilitation services
opportunities to citizens with disabilities
I wanted to add more about the
Day Service Greenhouse
but alas I could not find a link to them.
If anybody reading this knows more about them
add a comment
or let me know.
This sounded like fun
and if you are interested
you can call the number above
or click on the link for
Lakeside Curative Services, Inc.
and use the contact us tab
at the top of their page.
There was no information about the benefit on their website.
I must say that even though this sounds like a fun day
neither organization
is doing a good job
getting the word out
about the benefit
or their organizations
and what they stand for.
mmmmm.......I wonder who is in charge of spreading the word????

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I know I have written about
"The Peace Fund"
(Protect Educate Aid Children Everywhere)
started by Adrian Paul
before, but they updated part of their site.
One way the organization raise funds is by holding online auctions.
If you have something unique, a "hot" item
(I.E. Something in high demand people not stolen....
do not even let your mind go there.),
or if you have
a news program, magazine, newspaper, blog, website,
et cetera you can help spread the word.
To find out more about the auction,
to help them out,
or to receive a press release please click on the link below.
You will also be able to learn how the organization started,
who is involved (loads of celebrities),
and other ways you can help.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Charities on My Space (links included)

Here is just a small sampling
of the non-profit organizations and charities listed on Myspace.
If you go to one of them
you can always check their friends
to see who else is on Myspace.
It is a good jumping point.
You can always try typing in a charitable organization
or some other organization
to see if they have a Myspace too.
All of these had a way to donate,
but some were better at
giving detail information about their organization.
They all had links to their website though
and that is where you
will probably get the most
and best information for any of the organizations.
Music For Relief
This is for the relief recovery in Burma/Myanmar
Nonprofit Organizations
Help Charity For Free

Monday, June 02, 2008

Donate % on E-Bay for The Peace Fund

You can now donate to "The Peace Fund" on E-Bay.
Actually you were able to starting sometime last year.
If you decide to sell something on E-Bay
you can donate anywhere
from 10% to 100% to your favorite charity.
It is nice to have the option of donating to charities,
especially not big charities like (The Red Cross)
that gets most of the media attention.
Of course they always need help too.
The big charities get so many requests for help
that they struggle sometimes too.
It is just that when the big charities need help
the big charities seem to get the media attention
from local and national broadcasts in major times of need.
Whereas, the smaller charities
do not seem to get the same media attention
and need the word of mouth help
that blogs
and celebrities
and the fans of celebrities
or television shows
and movies can give.
Together we all can make a difference.
Who knows someday it might be me or you who needs the help.
I am struggling to pay off bi
lls right now
and just do not have any disposable income, but maybe somebody reading this blog
or someone else's blog
does have the money to donate.
I hope so.

Canine Companions for Independence

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