Let Me Know--Please

If you decide to check out a
charity, benefit, fundraiser
or help one of the charities, fundraisers, or benefits
I blog about would you please let me know.

Thank You!!!

Also, I am serious
if you have a charity or charitable event
(or know of one) coming up let me know.
That way I can at least add a
link, description or something.

Just make sure it is a legitimate one please.
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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Charity Guide for Wisconsin---link included

I have to say I sometimes just type in a word or a group of words just to see what comes up.
This time I typed in Wisconsin charity just to see what would come up.
This was near the top of the list.
Basically you click on your city
and it brings up charities in your area.
What I really like is that it has links for the United States too.
So, if you have family or friends living in any other city
you can share ideas and events with those people.
It also has tabs for donation guide, to list a charity, etc.
I seem to be collecting on-line friends from all over the world
and have been getting more interested in causes, diseases, conditions
that honestly I probably would not have in the past
or have forgotten that people I know have a particular disease or condition.
It is nice to be reminded gently once in a while of what other people have been going through.
I have done blogs lately on
Multiple Sclerosis and Melanoma
because currently those are the two conditions/diseases that seem to be affecting me personally
(by worrying about them...they are really nice and wonderful people
and knowing there really is not one thing I can do to make their lives easier)
because one is a friend with a daughter with MS
and a colleague's husband's Melanoma came back.
I do not have money to really help; so, I try to spread the word.
Thanks for reading my babble if you made it this far.
This is the link that will take you to the Wisconsin charity guide.
This is the main/home link.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Melanoma is the fastest growing cancer in the United States

I know this is breast cancer awareness month,
is actually the
fastest growing cancer
in the
United States of America.
It is the leading cause of death
in women 20 - 25
the second leading cause of death
in women ages 30 - 35.
One person dies every hour from melanoma.
In the year 2000
1 in 74
got melanoma cancer
estimates are that
by the year 2010
1 in 50
will get melanoma.
Folks that is less than 2 years away
and a 3% rise in cases.
That is considered an epidemic.
The Wisconsin Professional Photographers Association
has taken up this cause
and to find out why
(it is for a personal reason for the president of the association)
click on the link below.
How to detect melanoma (link from the WPPA website).
Safety measures (link from the WPPA website).
Facts on melanoma (link from the WPPA website).
This link gives names, address, etc., to photography studios that donate a portion of their fees to help the melanoma cause.
National Cancer Institute---Melanoma Home Page link.

Canine Companions for Independence

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