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Monday, June 02, 2008

Donate % on E-Bay for The Peace Fund

You can now donate to "The Peace Fund" on E-Bay.
Actually you were able to starting sometime last year.
If you decide to sell something on E-Bay
you can donate anywhere
from 10% to 100% to your favorite charity.
It is nice to have the option of donating to charities,
especially not big charities like (The Red Cross)
that gets most of the media attention.
Of course they always need help too.
The big charities get so many requests for help
that they struggle sometimes too.
It is just that when the big charities need help
the big charities seem to get the media attention
from local and national broadcasts in major times of need.
Whereas, the smaller charities
do not seem to get the same media attention
and need the word of mouth help
that blogs
and celebrities
and the fans of celebrities
or television shows
and movies can give.
Together we all can make a difference.
Who knows someday it might be me or you who needs the help.
I am struggling to pay off bi
lls right now
and just do not have any disposable income, but maybe somebody reading this blog
or someone else's blog
does have the money to donate.
I hope so.

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