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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Please Help Comfy Cozy in Pre-K through DonorsChoose.org link included

I received this e-mail from a friend and wanted to pass it along.
I was going to rewrite
but I could not possibly do it justice;
so, this is exactly how I received it.
Please if you can donate please do so
if you are unable to donate
please send this link to everyone you know.
Maybe somebody else will be able to help.
Dear friends,
I want my students to have as many great learning opportunities as possible, but
sometimes I just can't get the funding I need.
To address this issue, I turned
Here's the scoop.
At this nonprofit website,
public school teachers (like me!)
submit proposals for materials or experiences their students need to learn.
These ideas become a reality when concerned individuals (like you!)
choose projects to fund.
Donors who complete project funding
or give more than $100
receive photos and personal thank-you notes
from the kids they helped.
It's easy - and very rewarding.
The great news is that my project proposal,
Comfy Cozy in Pre-K,
is now posted
at DonorsChoose.org!
Also, please consider supporting my students
and me by forwarding
this message to others who may be interested in improving education.
As a reminder,
I am at a year round school
and have students now
who would love
to use this item!
Thanks for your help!

Best regards,

Cari Wilcox

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